R&R Report Writer questions & answers

Create and customize professional reports
Question by Foon Lam
January 29, 2016

I downloaded the free trial but when I tried to install it, it required a serial number which I was unable to provide. How can it be a free trial if no temporary serial number for the trial is provided?

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

I have downloaded the installation package and installed it myself, and indeed it asks for a serial number, however, if you choose the Viewer only mode, the serial number field will disappear allowing you to install the application. Of course, since it'a trial many features will be disabled, but at least the software will run and you'll see what is all about.

Question by Guest
August 28, 2014
Answer by Robert Polubinski

The only know to find out the compatible database for R&R Report Writer is to check the official description. In almost all cases, the developers choose to state this information.

For example, the R&R Report Writer application is compatible with Xbase (DBF) and SQL databases that are accessible via ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2. To find more information, I recommend you to visit the official website.

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Autodesk DWF Writer

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Access Reader and Writer

This application is useful for those who doesn't have Microsoft Access